Hello Guide

Hello Guide

Traditional chinese cuisine

Differences between national dietary habits in different regions of the world are caused by many factors, such as population size, productivity level, ecological situation, etc. Thus, most traditional meat dishes come from areas where the population density is relatively low,…

Chinese fast food

Around the world, Chinese cuisine is synonymous with quality fast food – you can eat fast, cheaply and, most importantly, tasty food. If you have been to China, you know it first hand: at every corner you can buy Baozi…

Chinese food

Food and cuisine Travel to China is a touch to one of the most ancient world civilizations, acquaintance with amazing nature and unique traditions of friendly people. The Chinese are able and truly love to cook, they are very proud…

Working in China 2021

Working in China 2021? Why are jobs in China attracting so many foreign job seekers? How to look for a job in China? What documents are needed to work in China? … Here you will find the answers. Working in…

China – Life in red

China is a communist country. Therefore, many people think that red is popular in China only because it is the color of the red flag of China and the Chinese Communist Party. In fact, everything is much deeper. China – life…