Working in China 2021

Working in China 2021? Why are jobs in China attracting so many foreign job seekers? How to look for a job in China? What documents are needed to work in China? … Here you will find the answers.

Working in China is popular with foreigners. Foreign job seekers are eager to relocate to China. Why? For a decent salary. By the way, it is desirable to have a demanded profession and understand Chinese.

Accordingly, the job search in China, taking into account the specifics of the labor market, has some peculiarities. Unemployment in this country at 5.5% is a low figure for developed countries.


  • Working in China 2021
  • Why is working in China so interesting for foreigners?
  • Jobs in China 2021: vacancies
  • Working in China 2021: IT Specialist
  • Working in China 2021: Pilots
  • Working in China 2021: engineering majors
  • Finance manager
  • Working in China 2021: clothing designer
  • English teacher
  • Working in China 2021 for guys
  • Work in China 2021 for girls
  • How and where to look for work in China?
  • Recruiting agency
  • WeChat and work in China
  • Other options
  • Au Pair program
  • Own business
  • What do you need for legal employment?
  • Working in China 2021: the danger of illegal employment
  • Conclusions

Working in China 2021

You need to look for a job in China while still in your country. Having found the necessary vacancy and company, you need to apply for a work visa. To do this, you should contact the PRC Consular Center. On the other hand, you can also contact the Visa Application Center.

During the execution of these documents, it is necessary to keep in touch with the employer. The bottom line is that obtaining a work visa is a procedure that has certain features. But after receiving such a document and arriving in China, you need to register on the first day.

Also, apply for a work permit in China. Foreign citizens who come to China and have different specialties can easily get a job. Not only specialists in the IT field, in the field of management, technical areas, but also fluent in foreign languages ​​are popular.

Which specialists are most in demand in the Chinese labor market?

  • Programmers,
  • pilots,
  • engineers,
  • financial analysts, designers,
  • translators,
  • teachers,
  • musicians,
  • trainers,
  • artists,
  • models.

Why is working in China so interesting for foreigners?

Companies are ready to provide foreign citizens with high salaries and pay for the flight. Foreigners prefer China over Europe due to lower daily expenses.

For example, foreign specialists want to work in China due to the high standard of living. On the other hand, it is career advancement. In addition, Chinese and English can be improved in the PRC.

Jobs in China 2021: vacancies

As you know, the growth of the Chinese economy continues to amaze other countries. Accordingly, this provides a high level of income. By the way, it is higher than the income level in Russia.

In some cases, even higher than the income level in Western Europe and the United States. For example, the director of a plant in Germany receives one salary, the same director, but managing a branch of this company in China, already receives a double salary.

Accordingly, the interest in working in China is provided by the opportunity for career growth and personal development. But there are a number of vacancies that are most in demand in China.

Working in China 2021: IT Specialist

The shortage of highly qualified specialists is associated with the course towards the development of innovative technologies. Chinese companies offer a large number of vacancies in the IT field. Such organizations are concentrated in the following regions:

  1. Zhongguancun Technopark (Beijing) 中关村 技术 园区
  2. Shanghai 上海
  3. Shenzhen 深圳

Zhongguancun Technopark 中关村 技术 园区 is China’s Silicon Valley. Here you can find branches of Microsoft, Intel, Nokia, IBM. In addition, Lenovo and Founder (the largest Chinese computer makers) are also here.

On the other hand, the Chinese corporations Baidu, Sohu, Sina have also chosen this technopark. The last three Chinese companies are listed as NASDAQ (USA). Not only 113 Chinese, but also 76 international companies work in the “Chinese Silicon Valley”.

For 2010, gross income was $ 250 billion. In other words, this is almost 24% of the growth of the economy of Beijing and 15% of the income of all industrial zones in China.

Working in China 2021: Pilots

Air transportation is well developed in China. As of 2020, there were 235 airports in the country with flights to 5,000 destinations. Millions of people use the services of the air harbors every year, so the airlines are making big profits.

Foreign pilots are lured to China by high wages and good working conditions. Compared with Russia, the salary of a pilot in China is 2-4 times higher, plus insurance and accommodation at the expense of the company for all family members.

Working in China 2021: engineering majors

The development of industrial sectors gives rise to an urgent need for China in specialists with engineering education. For example, China even has a special program to attract such employees to the country from abroad.

In addition, career growth, high wages and a full social package are possible. The country has an urgent need for engineers in the following areas: electronics, electrical engineering, architecture, construction, instrumentation and others.

Finance manager

Chinese companies need not only accounting specialists, but also audit and financial analysts. The demand for such workers is constantly growing.

Working in China 2021: clothing designer

As you know, China is also called the main supplier of clothing in the world. Accordingly, there is a demand for employees who are ready not only to sew and produce fashionable things, but also to create them.

Specialists can work for European companies in China, as well as for local brands. For example, it is believed that foreign experts have a better understanding of fashion trends.

English teacher

According to statistics, these are very popular foreign specialists. Such work in China is one of the most popular among foreign students. You can work at a convenient time, and the salary depends on the number of working hours. By the way, the cost of one hour of work is from 100 to 300 yuan. Companies don’t pay attention to nationality. The main condition is good knowledge of the language and an acceptable accent.

Working in China 2021 for guys

China’s economy is predominantly focused on the export of various goods. China attracts foreigners, including for exchange of experience and presentations of its own products.

For example, foreign employees are needed not only in global projects in China, but also in the field of entertainment, tourism and sports. Among foreign men, the following professions are most in demand:

  • Translator, foreign language teacher. Of course, English is a priority, but the Chinese are establishing contacts with countries around the world. Therefore, companies are looking for young people with foreign languages.
  • Artists, performers, musicians. There is always a job for creative people in China. The inhabitants of this country love foreign music performed by foreign performers with an appearance atypical for Asian countries. You can start working in these areas with cafes, bars and restaurants. Also organize corporate parties, weddings and other special events.
  • Models. Most of the Chinese sales market is targeted at European and American consumers. Therefore, for advertising, models with the appropriate appearance are attracted. For example, the requirements for men who want to work as a model in China are more loyal compared to other countries. But you need to have the appropriate physique and facial features in order to take part in the filming of advertising, shows. Accordingly, such a job in China for guys is an opportunity to enter the profession, gain experience and develop in this direction.
  • Trainers. China is willing to pay good money to qualified trainers. For example, if you know the fitness industry, you might want to do your workouts in a gym. Accordingly, in this case, knowledge of Chinese and the ability to communicate with people will be required.

Work in China 2021 for girls

Popular areas of activity for ladies are:

  • Entertainment industry (dances, show programs, performances);
  • Service (cooks, waiters);
  • Culture (for creative individuals);
  • Education (teaching);
  • IT sphere.

Girls will be able to quickly get a job if they have professional skills, knowledge of languages ​​and responsibility. But there are a number of vacancies when you can work in China without knowing the language. For example, you need to be attractive.

In China, you can start a career as a model. Having the appropriate anthropometric data, the girls will be hired by a prestigious modeling agency. Dancers will not be left without work either.

On the other hand, when responding to such vacancies, you need to consider the risks and think with your own head. For example, before traveling to China, you need to read reviews about the company where you plan to work, study the contact before signing, and consult with a lawyer.

How and where to look for work in China?

To get a job in China, you can “wool” social networks, write directly to companies, listen to the recommendations of friends, or contact a recruiting agency. A difficult option is to look for a job on your own, send a resume, go to interviews.

Recruiting agency

There are many agents in China who are native speakers of the country you are coming from. It is convenient and psychologically more comfortable. Even before arriving in China, it will not be superfluous to ask the agent questions of interest. If a person is rude, gives monosyllabic answers, such as “yes”, “no” or may not answer calls due to debt, it is better to find another agent.

Experts who have been working for a long time value their reputation, so they try to do even more than they are asked to, without receiving negative recommendations.

WeChat and work in China

It is a Chinese social network where companies also post job offers for foreign professionals. But there is no direct connection with a company that needs specialists.

Vacancies are posted by agents or people with appropriate connections. Accordingly, intermediaries earn commissions as a link between job seekers and companies.

Be careful, sometimes social media profiles may belong to scammers. To avoid such situations, ask the agent specific questions that need clear answers.

For example, who pays for the flight to China and back, what kind of housing is provided, who will pay the salary, how the employment is arranged. Ask for photographs of the future place of work and living conditions. If some questions remain unanswered, this is a reason to be wary.

Work in China and social network

There are a large number of groups on various social networks offering work in the PRC. But keep in mind that many of them were created by dishonest citizens who ask to transfer money to them, and then say that they could not find a suitable job. Therefore, before transferring money to a stranger, demand an agreement or a receipt from the person to whom you transferred funds.

To protect yourself from scammers, study the community feed, pay attention to the reviews, personally contact the creators, or the administration of such a group. Ask questions that need clear, not evasive answers.
Some communities are registered at, where you can see real reviews of companies and people who provide services.

Other options

You can independently search for work through Chinese newspapers published in English, for example, China Daily. It is also recommended to monitor Internet bulletin boards. For example,,, and others, or write to employers directly through their websites.

Au Pair program

The peculiarity of this program is that it is a project based on cultural exchange between countries. It has been used for several years.

Traveling to China with such a program can be quick, because many families need help in the home. Young people, between the ages of 18 and 29, will be able to learn the peculiarities of the Chinese mentality. For example, an Au Pair is an opportunity to live in China, get to know its culture, get a first job, start building experience, and establish business contacts.

Own business

Foreigners wishing to open a business in China are advised to pay attention not only to the manufacturing sector, but also to the provision of services. On the other hand, wholesale trade with other countries is also a promising area for business development.

But you need to pay attention to some rules. For example, to open a company in China, the authorized capital must be at least 500,000 yuan (services), 1,000,000 yuan – opening a production company. The state fee is 60,000 yuan, and it will take up to 3 months to register a company.

What do you need for legal employment?

Whatever position you take, it is important that the job is legal. To do this, you need to comply with the following conditions:

  • Choosing an employer;
  • Execution of an agreement in writing;
  • Collection of permits, work visas and other things.

To avoid problems with the law, the issued documents must be checked for errors and inaccuracies.

Working in China 2021: the danger of illegal employment

Many language centers and schools in the PRC employ foreigners who do not have a work visa. The police are monitoring this and taking harsh measures against violators, namely:

  • Penalties for both employees and hiring companies.
  • Confiscation of smartphones, documents. In case of repeated violation of the migration legislation – detention.
  • Deportation followed by a ban on entry to the PRC for 5 years.

Accordingly, if you want to connect your life with China, we do not recommend violating the migration policy.


It is better to go to work in China if you have a specialized specialized education. In addition, we recommend that you live and work in China only on a legal basis, because the level of supervision of companies by the authorities is strict. Don’t expect to be offered high-paying jobs right away. Before starting work, it is recommended to master at least basic knowledge of the language and understand the local mentality.

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