Category Life in China

In this section, we will tell you how interesting and diverse life in China is, how many pluses and minuses this power is fraught with. You will learn in detail about all the traditions, customs and holidays. You will learn about the Chinese people, their outlook on life and mentality. And also in our articles you will find a lot of interesting things about Chinese fashion, their clothing style, learning the Chinese language, medicine and its secret, seasonal climate and much more. We write our articles from the words of eyewitnesses living in China. Our main task is to convey and tell our readers about life in the Middle Kingdom, about how it works, how interesting, diverse and completely different from life in Europe. Also in the section “Life in China” you will find a lot of useful information for living or traveling in China.

5 Intriguing Insights into the Lives of Chinese Women

Chinese women have long held a captivating allure, with their rich history, cultural traditions, and significant contributions to society. Delving into the lives of these remarkable individuals reveals a tapestry of experiences, challenges, and achievements. Here are five intriguing facts…

Chinese Pets

In recent years, China has witnessed a significant rise in pet ownership, reflecting a growing trend of embracing animals as beloved companions. Whether it’s dogs, cats, fish, birds, or even more unconventional choices like reptiles and rabbits, Chinese households are…

Work and salary in China

What is the average salary in China in 2020? Why do you need to know this? Read about this and much more in our article. Here is only verified information. Thanks to the reforms 改革 开放 launched in 1978, China’s…

Chinese translator vacancy: how to search

Despite its complexity, Chinese is becoming more and more popular. The vacancy of a Chinese translator is increasingly found in Internet resources offering employment. It is explainable. The number of tourists is growing on both sides. If earlier travelers were…

Work in China

Do you want a high salary? China attracts many foreign experts from all over the world. You will find the answer in the article “Working in China: Life Hacks”. Naturally, here you will learn how to look for a job…

Legal translation and Chinese

The article “Legal Translation and Chinese” will tell you who is a translator of legal documents from Chinese. Economic relations between Europe and China are deepening. Joint European-Chinese companies are opened. Both in Europe and in China. Any economic relations…