Work in China

Do you want a high salary? China attracts many foreign experts from all over the world. You will find the answer in the article “Working in China: Life Hacks”. Naturally, here you will learn how to look for a job in China.


  1. Working in China: prospects
  2. Working as a teacher: teaching Chinese children
  3. Experience as a teacher in China
  4. Conditions
  5. Work in China vacancies: TOP10 areas
  6. Working as a teacher in China
  7. Translator in China
  8. Musician in China
  9. Work as a dancer, choreographer in China
  10. Jobs for IT professionals in China
  11. Work for marketers and PR specialists in China
  12. Job for web specialists in China
  13. Working in a transport company in China
  14. Housekeeping jobs in China
  15. Doctors work in China
  16. Conclusion

Working in China: prospects

Everyone has their own luck on the path to professional self-realization in China. One thing I can say is that there is work for everyone who at least knows how to do something and is ready to work, and not visit the workplace. Many seek employment through European or Chinese agencies and then go to a pre-agreed position.

Others, first go to the PRC, and then find a job on the spot – both options have their pros and cons. If the recruiter promises to find a vacancy and arrange an interview, your candidacy will definitely be considered. Similarly, if you are looking for a job on your own, if you are invited for an interview, be ready to demonstrate your skills – you need to show how you use your knowledge and experience by completing the test task.

So, an acquaintance is flying a Moscow-Beijing flight, confident that work in China is already waiting. The first thing that strikes a visitor is the number of residents. There are a lot of people everywhere! Not only in metropolitan areas, but also in provincial cities!

Working as a teacher: teaching Chinese children

Alex is an English teacher by profession. In addition to specialized education, he traveled a lot and constantly communicated with people from English-speaking countries. Therefore, Alex made friends with many and periodically visited them. Therefore, he immediately applied for the position of a teacher of Russian and English.

Working as a teacher in China has a number of features that must be taken into account at the stage of posting a resume, and even more so before an interview.

  • The employer wants the teacher to raise the children in addition to teaching. Moreover, it does not matter: you work in kindergarten, school or in a family – education and training go hand in hand.
  • At the interview, they may be asked to enter the group and evaluate not only how you behave, but also how the children react.
  • Getting started, you need to be prepared for the peculiarities of children’s behavior and be able to properly respond to whims, pranks and unwillingness to fulfill requirements.

If you are applying for a private practice, you need to stock up on contacts where potential employers can call and ask about you as an employee.

Experience as a teacher in China

Alex specially prepared a resume for each group of Chinese employers separately:

  • for kindergarten;
  • schools;
  • for courses;
  • private practice in the family.

At first, he focused on the possibility of quick employment at the expense of income and preferences. After examining the vacancies posted on the official websites of kindergartens and courses, he sent out an offer via Wechat and e-mail. As a result, Alex began to be invited for an interview.

As a result, Alex was accepted as a manager in a kindergarten, because he did not have a work visa. In fact, he worked as an English teacher. Working as a teacher in China, no matter how trite it sounds, implies love for children. In his case, the children loved Alex.


After the conclusion of the contract, Alex rented a separate room in an apartment with a shared kitchen and bathroom. Important! The room had an offline internet line. He paid 3,000 yuan a month for housing. The working day began at 8:00 and ended at 17:00. Alex was busy all day. There are about 1000 children in the kindergarten! It’s shocking at first.

The kindergarten director was fluent in English, which played a decisive role in finding employment. Often, except for the teacher, no one speaks English in kindergarten – then the teacher can afford professional “bloopers”, but such situations are mainly in provincial educational institutions.

English teacher salary in China

Salary is a delicate matter. Much depends on the conditions. If you go for an interview through an agency, you need to be prepared that part of the income will go to the recruiter. You are looking for a job yourself, you don’t need to pay an agent.

If you are applying for a job for the first time, then the rating of the qualities of the applicant is as follows:

  • 1st place – skills for the proposed position;
  • 2nd place – appearance, as they say, “They are met by clothes”;
  • 3rd place – self-confidence;
  • 4th place – luck.

If you have letters of recommendation and work experience in the PRC, then the 2nd place is occupied by professional status, a potential employer will definitely call previous employers to get an opinion about you.

Alex started with a salary of 13,000 yuan, six months later he received 15,000. When Alex took up private practice, his income was 21,000 yuan. But it is necessary to come to this level of remuneration. Alex’s income consists of income for teaching English, Russian and translation. I wonder how Alex did everything. The answer is simple: Alex loved what he did.

While Alex was in China, he met many compatriots who realized themselves here, not only professionally, but also financially. Here are 10 of the most in-demand jobs to start your career in China.

Work in China vacancies: TOP10 areas

There are several conditions for starting professional growth in the PRC. By law, working in China requires a work visa and a work permit. It is difficult to obtain such a document, but it is possible. Therefore, if you want to start by the rules, you have to run a lot and spend money.

Alex was traveling on a business visa, which is issued quickly and gives the right to stay in the country for a long time. Therefore, for his first job, he was hired by a manager. Whether it’s worth breaking the rules is up to you. So, there are 10 specialties in which it is easiest to find a job in the PRC.

Working as a teacher in China

All specialties related to the development of children are very popular in China. This includes teaching not only any foreign languages, but also music; painting; needlework, etc.

Translator in China

You can easily find a job as a translator into Russian and English. Not only large, but also small firms offer permanent and temporary jobs related to the translation of business correspondence and technical documents.

Musician in China

Foreign musicians are in great demand in China. Not only solo musicians, but also experienced in orchestral performance. Even if your performing skills, to put it mildly, are far from perfect. You will be gladly invited to a small cafe where you will be given the opportunity to improvise without any special requirements. It’s another matter if you are applying for a place in a well-known musical group. But in this case, you should apply for a work visa.

Work as a dancer, choreographer in China

Contemporary dance is one of the fastest growing segments in show business. Therefore, professional dancers and choreographers are in great demand. If you can dance, you look good, you are confident in yourself, luck will definitely accompany you.

Jobs for IT professionals in China

Information technology is developing dynamically in all countries. China now holds a leading position in the development, production of telecommunications and computer equipment and components, as well as software in the IT field. foreign engineers and programmers are quickly employed by leading Chinese companies.

Work for marketers and PR specialists in China

Chinese companies are happy to employ foreign marketing and PR specialists. This is due to the orientation of local producers towards the European market. Determining the most promising sales markets on the territory of Evpora, as well as developing advertising products, drawing up activities to promote products in European regions – this is their job.

Job for web specialists in China

Specialists in the creation of corporate websites and online stores, Internet promotion, the development of social networks – they can easily find both permanent and temporary jobs in the PRC. Therefore, if you are a web specialist, you can work in several companies at the same time. However, without a work visa, you will not be able to apply for official employment in a large company.

Working in a transport company in China

With the growth of freight traffic, the need for specialists in the transport industry is growing. Professionals with the skills of logistics activities in Europe are especially in demand. The efforts of the European authorities to develop transport infrastructure create favorable conditions for the transit of Chinese goods to Europe, and European ones to the markets of Southeast Asia. Therefore, logisticians have excellent prospects.

Housekeeping jobs in China

With the growing wealth of Chinese families, more women have the opportunity to hire a housekeeper to focus more on their careers or to spend time with their husbands and children. Despite the seeming banality of work, it is quite difficult to find a job as a housekeeper without a Chinese recruiter or recommendations. As you know, families do not risk inviting a person to their place without the guarantee of one of the locals. Therefore, you need to be ready at first to share your earnings with the agency.

Doctors work in China

European doctors are extremely in demand in China, but a work visa is required for employment. If you have a medical degree and want to travel to China, start collecting documents in advance.


If work in China has not lost its relevance for you, you should not postpone intentions on the back burner. Check your knowledge and skills again. Assess the appearance. Find your inner motives in order to be finally confident of success, and luck will not fail. China is a huge, densely populated country with a thousand-year history and a dynamically developing economy. To be absolutely sure of the safety of the upcoming enterprise, apply for a work visa and set aside the amount required for the return trip so that you can return home at any time.

Website for finding a job in China

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