Chinese translator vacancy: how to search

Despite its complexity, Chinese is becoming more and more popular. The vacancy of a Chinese translator is increasingly found in Internet resources offering employment. It is explainable.

The number of tourists is growing on both sides. If earlier travelers were interested in sights and resorts, today business tourism is developing. China is the world’s largest producer of FMCG and B2B products.

The Chinese translator job will remain one of the most popular jobs in both private and public employment centers. It is easy for specialists who know Chinese to get a job in a company cooperating with entrepreneurs from China. Professionals who do not have the opportunity to visit the office will have the job of “remote translator”. Let’s try to figure out how not to make a mistake in choosing a job?


  • Chinese translator vacancies – where to look?
  • Vacancy Chinese translator: requirements for a translator
  • Chinese translator vacancy: how to search?
  • Platforms and Websites for Freelance Translators
  • Pros and cons of remote transfers
  • 10 benefits of telecommuting for a translator
  • Cons of telecommuting for a translator
  • conclusions

Chinese translator vacancies – where to look?

People who speak Chinese and want to find a job sometimes get lost in the variety of job offers. What is the best way to proceed?

Find a job as a teacher in an educational institution.
Go to work for a commercial or manufacturing company.
Agree to work as an online translator.
Each option has poles and minuses. It is necessary to take into account not only the skills of speaking and writing, but also the availability of documents confirming the level of qualification.

Vacancy Chinese translator: requirements for a translator

When studying the vacancies of translators of the Chinese language, it is necessary to pay attention to the requirements for the candidate for the proposed position. If in Europe there is no clear structure of qualification characteristics to determine the level of training of a Chinese translator, then in China there are four professional categories that allow ranking the knowledge of the language.

The CATTI exam (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters) is to be taken by all candidates applying for the position of translator in a public and private company.

  1. The initial category, the third (三级 译者) – assumes the presence of general skills in interpretation and translation when working in pairs.
  2. The second category (二级 译者) – provides for fluency in colloquial speech and writing with some difficulties and errors.
  3. The first category (一级 译者) – requires excellent skills in spoken and business language, the ability to freely translate texts of any complexity, editing texts.
  4. The highest category (高级 译者) – involves not only the skills of mastering a foreign language perfectly, but also the experience of practical use of existing knowledge.

All categories require knowledge of history, traditions and culture. In the PRC, knowledge of the language is associated with knowledge of the lifestyle and lifestyle of the population, believing that without this knowledge, the translator will not be able to objectively convey the meaning of what was said.

But what to do if you have lived in the Middle Kingdom for many years and you can speak and write freely, and after returning to Europe, I decided to apply the existing knowledge. Don’t go back for the exam? There is a way out – virtual work as a translator of the Chinese language.

Chinese translator vacancy: how to search?

The online Chinese translator job is quite common. The risk lies in the fulfillment of contractual obligations by the parties. But with the appropriate mutual interest and taking into account the accumulated experience in the provision of services via the Internet, in recent years, cases of bad faith on both sides are extremely rare. There are two main ways to find and perform remote work, as well as pay for it.

  • If the employer (customer) and the translator live in the same locality and agree on cooperation or full-time employment. The employee knows where the employer’s office is located and the scope of his duties. The parties sign an employment contract. The translator receives the assignment by e-mail, completes it, and sends the result to his immediate supervisor or colleague. Payment is made in the format of the general rules existing in the company.
  • The employer (customer) and the translator are geographically separated. The parties do not meet in person, often without knowing the names and surnames. The translator receives the task by e-mail or through special Internet services, performs the work, submits the text for verification, in the absence of comments, receives payment in accordance with the agreements reached or the rules of the Internet service through which the customer and the contractor cooperate.

In the first case, the employer posts the vacancy of a Chinese language translator in employment centers or on specialized resources on the Internet. In the second case, the employer (customer) and the translator find each other by posting information in thematic groups of social networks.

Platforms and Websites for Freelance Translators

Those wishing to work as a remote Chinese translator, when choosing an Internet service to search for an order, should start with a careful study of the section describing the rules for working on this site, often the section is called “Service Rules”.

You should pay attention to the existing restrictions, requirements for behavior when communicating in the chat, the method of payment and the frequency of withdrawal of earned funds. The rules may vary on different platforms. If you have doubts about your level of training, you should not offer services that will not be fulfilled.

Along with the sites of multidisciplinary translation agencies, you can start cooperation with a site such as This site specializes in foreign employees, where you can find a native speaker translator. For example, you need a translation from English into Chinese, this task is best done only by a Chinese. Only a Chinese person knows best the ministry of his country and how to correctly present a translation for the country where he was born. Also on the site you can find not only translators with Chinese, but many other languages, as well as other specializations, programmers from different countries and designers, and so on.

Pros and cons of remote transfers

Like any other activity, the work of a remote translator has “pros” and “cons”. Let’s try to list the positive and negative factors associated with working online. The pluses include:

  • “Freedom” from the office;
  • combining work and life;
  • professional development;
  • saving the budget;
  • time management;
  • time for sports;
  • expansion of professional contacts;
  • broadening one’s horizons;
  • ideal for introverts, for people with a complex character;
  • the opportunity to work and travel.

10 benefits of telecommuting for a translator

Freedom from the office. This does not mean that the translator has a lot of free time. Rather, the time spent commuting to work is spent on productive work or family chores or hobbies.

Combining work and life. For example, a child was born in a family. Also, circumstances associated with illness can limit the ability to move and remote work will be a real salvation.

More opportunities to improve your professional level online. When working remotely, there is always time to listen to a webinar or read a textbook instead of attending meetings or chatting with colleagues.

Saving the family budget. There is no need to frequently buy clothes and shoes to visit the office. Relevant if the company has a dress code that sets requirements for appearance.

The ability to independently plan the day. You can always adjust the daily routine taking into account the interests of family members without compromising the expectations of customers or the requirements of the employer.

The ability to follow the diet and exercise. Working from home, you have the opportunity to plan your meal and exercise regimen without compromising work and family. There is no need to coordinate the change of activity with management or colleagues.

The circle of communication is expanding due to new customers. Working as a freelance translator expands your social circle. The Internet allows you to contact many potential customers.

The horizons are expanding. By performing translations on various topics, the horizons are broadened in related areas of knowledge. Chinese translators specializing in literary or art translation develop skills in business translation or vice versa.

If a translator is a professional, but it is difficult to get along with other people, and even more so in the same team, remote work is just for him. He has the opportunity to show his professional qualities remotely and earn decent money.

The most pleasant bonus from telecommuting as a translator is the ability to travel and work at the same time. For people who love to travel, the work of an online translator is best suited. The only condition is the availability of the Internet in the recreation areas. There is access to freelance exchanges from anywhere in the world, and the presence of regular customers will make the receipt of funds to continue the trip regular.

Cons of telecommuting for a translator

Along with the positive, there are also negative factors in telecommuting as a translator. Let’s list them:

  • Practice shows that freelance translators have to work all the time, without vacations or days off, to maintain their demand.
  • Remote work requires a high degree of organization.
  • While it seems possible to spend more time in the fresh air, in reality, on the contrary, you have to spend more time indoors.
  • Failure to comply with the operating mode of the PC, vision deteriorates.


The Chinese translator vacancy remains in the TOP of the most popular, both in offline and online recruiting. A specialist can always respond to a vacancy or post a resume on specialized Internet resources. Translators applying for career growth, a responsible position and high social status have the opportunity to apply to the Chinese Translators Association and take the CATTI exam.

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