Work and salary in China

What is the average salary in China in 2020? Why do you need to know this? Read about this and much more in our article. Here is only verified information.

Thanks to the reforms 改革 开放 launched in 1978, China’s economy has taken the leading position in the world. Therefore, it is natural that the average salary in China in 2020 is confidently striving for the indicators of recognized leaders. As you know, balanced reforms in the economy often contribute to a significant improvement in the quality of life of the country’s citizens and to reduce unemployment.

It is because of these changes that more and more foreign citizens seek to work in China. But, before going to work in the PRC, you need to find out whether it is really that profitable and in which areas you can get the maximum income.

TOP 20 highly paid professions in China

Such indicators are very average, because depend on many factors. For example, from the city, profession, work experience, and even the nationality of the employee. Nevertheless, this amount is significantly higher than the subsistence level established in the PRC, which is 2-3 thousand yuan. This equates to $ 290-440.

High-paying professions in China in 2020: an overview

High-paying professions are associated with technical specialties. This is the IT sphere, engineering and construction, and not only in state-owned companies in China, but also in private organizations.

Living wage 最低 生活 费用
Salary 工资
Salary after taxes 税后 工资
Salary before taxes 税前 工资
Living standard 生活水平
Personal income tax or income tax 所得税
Work experience 工作 经验
Minimum wage 月 最低 工资 标准

TOP 20 professions in China in 2020

Popular and profitable professions can be presented in the form of TOP 20:

  • C ++ programmers. Their average salary in RMB is 35,000.
  • Java programmers. The salary is 31,000 yuan.
  • Professional backend programmers. Their average salary in China.
  • English-speaking teachers with a salary of 12 thousand yuan, or about 144 thousand rubles.
  • IT generalists with an average salary of 10,500 yuan.
  • Finance specialists are by a small margin – 9,600 yuan.
  • Web designers. 9,000 yuan.
  • Researchers with an average salary of 7,500 yuan.
  • Electricians and gas suppliers in the industrial sector: RMB 6,600.
  • Marketers. 6,300 yuan.

The next 10 in-demand professions in China

  • Tourism professionals – 6,100 RMB
  • Leasing specialists: 6,070
  • Doctors and medical staff, logisticians and nannies – 6,000 yuan.
  • Subject teachers – 5,600 yuan.
  • Administrative staff – RMB 5,300.
  • Sales managers: about 5,050 yuan.
  • Mineral extraction – 5,000 yuan.
  • Industrial workers: 4,650 yuan per month.
  • The penultimate place in the TOP 20 for law enforcement officers: a police officer receives 4,500 yuan per month.
  • Rounding out the list are representatives of the repair professions in the construction industry with an income of 4,100 yuan.

Features of vocational guidance in China in 2020

The list shows that the most demanded specialists are the so-called “techies”. What is the reason for this? Firstly, this is due to the rapid development of China in the international market. Secondly, there is a need to attract consumers from different countries (IT sphere). Thirdly, one should not forget about the high rates of the country’s development. For example, Chinese industry and engineering. And finally, the ruling party in China is really concerned about the standard of living of the common citizen.

It should be noted that the citizens of the PRC tend to work not only in state, but also in international companies. The reason is simple: both offer a high level of income and stability. On the other hand, the Chinese account for the bulk of the patents registered in recent years.

Professions of foreigners in China

Separately, it should be noted that foreigners in China receive higher salaries and are in high demand. As a rule, the income of foreigners in China is on average 1.5-3 times higher than that of Chinese citizens. A large specialist from another country receives a salary higher than a local resident.

Accordingly, foreign programmers, engineers, technologists, marketers, designers, architects, scientists in China can not only fully realize their creative potential, but also receive a very decent salary.

On the other hand, people with a European appearance are in high demand in the service sector. These are hostesses, waiters, animators, dancers, artists and other specialties. Due to their uncharacteristic appearance for the area, they receive not only a lot of attention, but also a decent pay. This is often used by boys and girls, including those who study while working at local universities. Such work becomes a good help in paying for education and comfortable living.

What is the highest salary in China?

What is the highest salary in China? In most regions, this figure starts at 10,000 yuan. That’s over $ 1,500.

On the one hand, there is no set maximum. On the other hand, local residents’ incomes of 25,000-35,000 yuan are not common. Even in terms of the usual currency, such a salary can rightfully be called high. But do the inhabitants of the PRC themselves consider it as such? To do this, you need to consider the average prices for the main categories of spending, as well as evaluate the planning of the Chinese budget.

Spending and budget: what salary is enough for life?

Living standards in China differ from those in Europe. The cost of many things is lower. So, for example, rental housing, depending on the city and location, will vary, but remain well below the usual rates.

List of mandatory expenses in China: renting an apartment

A one-room apartment in the city center will cost from $ 340 to $ 980 per month, and in a residential area – from $ 100 to $ 500. The maximum prices are fixed in Shanghai, and even in Beijing rental housing will cost significantly less. In yuan terms, a good option for living even in the most expensive city can be found within 3.500. Cheap housing will cost around 700-1000 yuan, which is less than half of the monthly budget even with a minimum wage of 2,000 yuan.

Food and transportation costs in China

Transportation and food are also cheap for Chinese residents. A single bus or subway ride costs 2 RMB, a taxi ride starts at 10 RMB. The cost of food varies depending on the city, as well as on whether it is a market or a supermarket, but on average it looks like this:

  • Rice costs 2.5 yuan per kg;
  • Potatoes 3.2 yuan per kg;
  • Meat – 12 yuan per kg;
  • Fish – 9.5 yuan per kg.

Not surprisingly, the Chinese can eat cheap too. In addition, do not forget about a variety of food outlets – both in the format of restaurants and cafes, and in the form of small food outlets that are popular. Small cafes offer hearty food at reasonable prices. Therefore, even with eating out, Chinese residents save a significant part of the budget.

Mandatory payroll expenses in China

Regardless of the city of residence, the distribution of wages for compulsory needs is as follows:

  • Renting a home is a significant waste and averages 45% of your monthly budget.
  • Food products account for 10%.
  • Medical care takes 10% on average.
  • Education requires 15% of the salary.
  • On average, 5% is spent on transport and clothing.
  • Entertainment, cafes, restaurants take another 5%.
  • Another 5% is spent on unforeseen expenses.

Depending on the size of wages, various amounts are spent on certain compulsory spending. On the other hand, many can afford to save. At the same time, one cannot say that Chinese citizens severely limit themselves in certain pleasures. The cost of entertainment, technology, household services and goods is acceptable. The same goes for garments. Most residents have the opportunity to completely renew their wardrobe at least once a year by purchasing items from well-known local brands.

Minimum and average wages in China

The minimum living wage in the PRC is between 1,000 and 2,480 yuan per month, depending on the region. There is simply no salary less than these amounts, even agricultural farmers receive on average at least 3,000 yuan.

Average wages in China

The average salary in China in rubles is between 7,500 and 10,000 yuan per month. With this money, the average citizen (citizen of China) can afford not only to meet basic needs, but also to save, travel, do charity work, help relatives and much more.

The average salary in China in 2020 has become higher compared to previous years. This is due to the increase in the cost of living and the development of the economy. At the same time, there is no significant increase in prices for food, transport, housing, etc.

This makes citizens feel more stable. The unemployment rate is also declining. For example, very young people who have just completed their studies and have no work experience become unemployed.

Types of insurance in China

In addition, employers, regardless of the size of employees’ salaries, make contributions to social funds. The rates of these funds are as follows:

  • Medical insurance – 2%;
  • Pension insurance – 8%;
  • Unemployment insurance – 0.2%;
  • Savings for the purchase of housing – 12% (optional deduction).

In addition to income tax, there are also a number of other mandatory payments required for various segments of the population, for:

  • Added value – from 3 to 17%;
  • Real estate – 1.2%;
  • Education – 3%;
  • Construction – 7%;
  • Transfer of property rights – from 3 to 5%;
  • Purchase of a personal vehicle – 10%.

The peculiarities of the country’s taxation can confuse an ignorant person, but in general they are transparent and understandable.

In China, the bulk of taxes is levied on legal entities, leaving a lower financial burden for ordinary citizens.

Average salary in China in 2020 for expats

Chinese salaries are much higher than some European countries, so people from Eastern Europe rushed to the Celestial Empire to earn money and permanent residence. Affordable housing, reasonable prices for food and clothing, high salaries attract migrants to the PRC.

However, it is difficult to work and live in China without knowing the language. High-paying jobs can be obtained by foreigners who speak Chinese or English. Proficiency in English opens up a broad perspective of employment.

Expat occupations in China

In the Chinese labor market, programmers, civil aviation pilots, engineers, industrialists, and web designers are also in demand. Creative professions are popular – musicians, dancers, artists. If the expat has the professional skills that a Chinese employer needs, there will be no problems with work. Foreign specialists earn no less than the Chinese – the salary of European employees is $ 1,500.

Working conditions in China

Going to work in China, the applicant must obtain a work permit and work visa. There must be good reasons for moving to China for permanent residence:

  • Purchase of real estate;
  • Official employment in the PRC and work experience of at least 4 years;
  • Close relatives in China;
  • Marriage with a citizen of the PRC;
  • Own entrepreneurial activity;
  • Getting an education.

What determines the average salary in China in 2020?

The level of wages in the Middle Kingdom depends on various factors, including:

  • Famousness of the company in which the specialist works.
  • City or province where the employer is located.
  • Worker experience, education.
  • Qualification. These can be special courses, seminars, etc.

The main types of salaries in China

Also, the level of salary depends on the position held by the specialist. The higher it is, the more income. If a person receives several salaries at once, performing work for several employees, then an employee holding a low position will receive more qualified specialist with a long experience. At the same time, working in several positions at once is good for career growth, which is encouraged in China. Also, in China, the salary is divided into the following types:

  • Main. Implies payment for hours worked. The quality of work is taken into account, additional payments for night shifts and overtime (if any) are taken into account. Payment is charged in accordance with the tariff scale, which includes salary, bonuses, etc.
  • Additional. Includes all payments in accordance with applicable law. For example, for unworked time, vacation pay, accruals in case of dismissal, etc.

The country is developing steadily. Official data show that incomes of the country’s residents are growing at an average of 7% per year, and there are already more wealthy Chinese than wealthy Americans. Most of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom can afford a luxurious life, travel, expensive purchases. Wages in China in 2020 have not faltered much due to the epidemiological situation in the world, and the general trend in wages shows a steady growth in the economy and living standards. Below you will find an FAQ on this topic.

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