Chronology of Chinese history

Xia Dynasty 夏 2205-1767 BC.
Shang-Yin Dynasty ¥ 17th-11th centuries BC.
Zhou Dynasty 周 11th – 3rd centuries BC.
Early (Western) Zhou 西周 1066 (1046) – 771 (770) BC BC.
Late (Eastern) Zhou 东周 771 – 221 BC BC.
The period of Spring and Autumn 春秋 771 (770) – 475 years. BC.
Warring States Period 战国 475 – 221 BC.
Qin Dynasty 秦 221 – 206 BC.
Han Dynasty 汉 206 BC – 220 AD
Early (Western) Han 西汉 206 BC – 8 BC
Xin Dynasty 新 9 BC – 25 g.
Late (Eastern) Han 东汉 25 – 220 BC
The era of the Six Dynasties: 六朝 220-589
Three Kingdoms: 三国 220-280
Kingdom of Wei 魏 220-265
Kingdom of Shu 蜀 221-263
Kingdom of U 吴 222-280
Western Jin 西晋 265-316
Eastern Jin 东晋 317-420
The era of the Southern and Northern dynasties 南北朝 317-589
North Wei 北魏 386 – 534
Sui Dynasty 隋 589-618
Tang Dynasty 唐 618-907
The era of five dynasties 五代 907-960
Northern Song Dynasty 北宋 960-1127
Southern Song Dynasty 南宋 1127-1279
Yuan Dynasty 元 1271-1368
Ming Dynasty 明 1368 – 1644
Qing Dynasty 清 1644 – 1911
Republic of China 中华民国 1912-1949
People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国 since 1949

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