Chinese mentality

Chinese mentality and characteristics of the population

Travel to China is a touch to one of the most ancient world civilizations, acquaintance with amazing nature and unique traditions of friendly people.

  • It is believed that the main drawback of any Chinese mentality – unfriendly. In fact, this character trait is due to the national credo – you can not show your true feelings to strangers.
  • The Chinese can smile widely only to the closest person. In this they are very similar to the Americans.
  • Most Chinese speak loudly. It has nothing to do with manners, just with a huge population even in provincial cities a high level of noise. Because of this, even to a quiet room, the Chinese are talking “in a raised voice.”
  • The Chinese are often late. The reason may be a trivial traffic jam, but the attitude to the time in the country depends on the attitude to the meeting or person. If the Chinese thinks that the meeting is important for him – he will come to it for half an hour or even an hour earlier, and wait patiently.
  • The inborn trick of the Chinese is not at all a trick, but compliance with the rule of Tao – if there is an opportunity not to get involved in problems and solve everything peacefully, a true Chinese will do that. The Chinese are very hardworking – they have practically no vacations. In their language there is not even such a word as vacation, there is only a “weekend”. They have more or less long weekends in October in honor of the appearance of the People’s Republic of China and in February – during the celebration of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar.
  • The Chinese do not like sunbathing, especially women. They try to avoid the sun’s rays in order to maintain a light skin.
  • According to recent studies, the biggest phobia of the average Chinese is to be lonely by the end of life. The institution of society and friendship for the Chinese is one of the fundamental principles of life.
  • The relationship between family members in China is still based on Confucian laws. Children are obliged to unconditionally obey their parents for the rest of their lives, and in the event of illness of the mother and father, be near and fully pay for the treatment. In addition, the provision of old people in China often falls on the shoulders of children and grandchildren.
  • Marriages in China are fairly late – the average age of newlyweds is 29 years. This is explained by the fact that before creating a family you need to get an education and a good job, which is not always easy because of the big competition. It affected the strength of family unions. The divorce rate in China – 22% – one of the lowest in the world. By the way, in China it is absolutely normal if a girl chooses a pair of 2-3 young people at once. At the same time, some parents still monitor the moral behavior of their daughter: you can go on dates — you can have an intimate relationship before marriage — you absolutely cannot. Even in Beijing or Shanghai, it is very difficult to meet a kissing couple in a public place. The manifestation of such feelings for each other for the Chinese is an intimate sacrament that no one should see.
  • At the funeral, most Chinese try to dress in all white. White color in the Middle Kingdom – the color of mourning and grief.
  • The main family member in China is not a husband at all, but a grandmother, both from the husband and from the wife.
  • An elderly Chinese woman is considered the custodian of family traditions, and the death of grandmothers is the most bitter loss. After the funeral of grandmother, any Chinese has the right to wear mourning clothes for several months.
  • But the grandfather in China, on the contrary, is the most useless member of the family, with which a lot of unpleasant jokes and folk tales are connected.
  • In Chinese, only about a hundred names, and in 20% of the population there are names “Li” and “Van”
  • In fact, there are no queues in China – whoever jumps first is the first in line.
  • The Chinese easily distinguishes the Chinese from other Asians, the American person will succeed in this with difficulty.
  • This is surprising for Europeans, but it is in China that the most common style of clothing is “unisex”. Practical Chinese believe that the same shirt can and should sit equally well on both the female and the male figure. In many ways, this explains the love of bright colors in casual wear.
  • Modern Chinese love to take pictures. After seeing a tourist with an expensive camera, passersby, especially in the provinces, may ask to take a picture of them and immediately ask how you can get a picture.
  • The attitude of the Chinese to America is purely positive, especially to the Soviet period of history. Many students at Chinese universities study the works of American poets and speak good English.
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