Sanatoriums in China

Eastern medicine is attracting an increasing number of people who have become disillusioned with traditional Western medical practices. From treatment in China, patients expect an integrated approach to their body, a special philosophy. Many already know that oriental medicine does not heal the disease, but the person himself, restoring his strength, strengthening energy, and increasing tone.


  • Benefits of treatment in China
  • Dalian Medical Centers – Some of the Best in China
  • The best sanatoriums in Dalian
  • The most famous sanatoriums in China

Benefits of treatment in China

China is considered a world health resort, as the country has many sanatoriums that provide a variety of medical services. Medical tourism to the country has become popular due to the following benefits of treatment in China:

  1. Modern equipment of clinics and sanatoriums.
  2. Highly qualified doctors.
  3. Low cost of treatment – 30% lower than in Europe.
  4. Special philosophy of oriental medicine, etc.

Dalian Medical Centers – Some of the Best in China

The third part of Dalian square is occupied by a park zone, and the city is recognized as the most ecologically clean place in China. Nature itself has taken care of developing medicine here and treating people. Dalian sanatoriums and clinics successfully treat diseases of the following organs:

  • bones and joints;
  • skin;
  • digestive system;
  • nervous system;
  • the immune system;
  • respiratory tract, etc.

Dalian doctors help with complex forms of cancer, paralysis, cerebral palsy.

Chinese doctors skillfully combine Western and Eastern medicine. Procedures that can be obtained in sanatoriums in China:

  • massages;
  • acupuncture;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • clay therapy;
  • qigong gymnastics;
  • moxibustion with herbal cigars;
  • scraping;
  • phytotherapy, etc.

Doctors in Dalian use the experience of oriental medicine to treat the spine. Radiculitis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernias and other diseases are cured here.

The combination of high-quality medical services, healthy air, beaches gives a high healing effect.

The best sanatoriums in Dalian

Tourists have the opportunity to combine wellness in the medical centers of Dalian with exciting excursions to nearby attractions and recreation by the sea.

The following sanatoriums in Dalian are popular with foreign guests:

The health center “Lotos” is especially loved by Russian guests. In addition to classical methods of treatment, folk healing methods are used here – qigong gymnastics, cupping, flame therapy, herbal baths, etc.
The Shengu Clinic is known for effective treatment of many diseases, quality dentist services, and interesting folk methods. The clinic has shown particular efficiency in the successful fight against addictions.
The Concord Cancer Center is known for its success in the fight against cancer. They do not use chemotherapy, but biotherapy, which is injected into the tumor.
Medical complex “Tongzhentang” is famous for having its own production of medicines. Thanks to this, it can provide more effective patient care.
The Chinese-Russian Center “Health”, or Professor Bae’s clinic, helps patients to heal joints and bones, the genitourinary system, and the gastrointestinal tract.


The most famous sanatoriums in China

Sanatoriums in China are located throughout the country. Tourists can choose the desired direction of treatment with an interesting travel itinerary in China. Among the most famous sanatoriums in China are the following:

  • The Xingcheng Thermal Springs Resort is located on the Yellow Sea. Everything is curative here: sea water, thermal springs, volcanic mud, forest air. The sanatorium specializes in the treatment of skin pathologies and diseases of bones and joints.
  • The sanatoriums of the Chinese southern sea resort of Hainan “Horizon”, “Garden of Longevity”, Taiji and others have excellent equipment for SPA procedures and treatment of skin, nervous, stomach, immune and other diseases.
  • The sanatoriums of China, located on the seashore, are especially loved by Russians for the similarity of the climate with the Crimean conditions. Baidahe beach resort is located not far from the capital of the country Beijing, but it has a completely clean ecology, healing air. The sanatoriums known in China as “Golden Sand”, “Energetik”, “Excellence in Labor” are located here.
  • Tourists wishing to heal joints and blood vessels will be helped by the thermal springs of the Chinese sanatorium “Beigo”. More than 40 trace elements are dissolved in their water, which have a beneficial effect on human health.
  • The Chinese sanatorium “Tangantzi” is one of the oldest health resorts in the country, the first mention of which dates back to the first millennium AD. The springs and muds of the clinic help with neurological diagnoses and joint diseases.

After health courses in sanatoriums in China, tourists return home filled with new energy, positive attitude to life, excellent mood and high tone. These are the results of the influence of ancient oriental techniques with modern medical advances. Sanatoriums in China are unique health complexes that can give the patient a second life.

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