Chinese visa: complete instructions

In recent years, many foreigners have been interested in a Chinese visa. And not a tourist visa to China, but a work visa to China. The reason is very simple: many foreign specialists are in demand in the PRC.

And even with the overpopulation of China, a number of industries in the country are experiencing a shortage of personnel, so much that the authorities have developed a pilot project to attract and employ immigrants with a simplified residence permit. For example, Chinese employers welcome immigrants from European countries – European appearance in the PRC is highly regarded.


  • Chinese visa: its types and procedure for obtaining
  • Chinese visa: list of required documents
  • Chinese visa: classification
  • Chinese visa: features
  • Work visa to work in China
  • Self search
  • China Visa: Internship
  • China visa and intermediaries
  • Types of work visas in China
  • Who needs a Chinese visa
  • China Visa: Work Visa – Applicant Requirements
  • China visa: documents for a work visa to China
  • Chinese visa: for starting a business
  • Work visa to China 2020
  • Chinese visa to work in China – documents
  • Chinese visa: reasons for refusal
  • Chinese visa and moving to permanent residence
  • Summarize

Chinese visa: its types and procedure for obtaining

To obtain a Chinese visa, you must either independently apply to the visa center, or use the services of intermediaries. In any case, a personal presence at the center is required to confirm not only the identity, but also personal data.

Chinese visa: list of required documents

Any visa cannot be issued without the following list of documents:

  • The original of the foreign passport and a copy of its spread with personal data. There must be at least 6 months until its expiration date. And in the case of a work visa in China, at least 18 months must remain until the expiration of the passport.
  • A completed application form of the established sample with a 3 by 4 photo pasted into it: as for a passport, in color.
  • In the event that a citizen wishing to obtain a Chinese visa is in a foreign country, he must also demonstrate the original certificate of the legality of staying in the territory of the foreign state and its copy.
  • Citizens who previously lived in China and changed their citizenship to another can apply for a visa to visit the PRC by providing photocopies of previously issued visas or an already invalid passport of a Chinese citizen.

This list is provided regardless of the required type of visa, and can be supplemented, but not shortened.

Chinese visa: classification

There are 12 categories of Chinese visas for visiting the country. For example, Chinese visas can be divided into visitor, work, study and tourist visas.

The complete list of categories is as follows:

  • C – Chinese visas issued to employees of international transport.
  • D – Chinese visas for those who move to the country for permanent residence.
  • F – Chinese visas, obtained by exchange staff and students, as well as all those who visit China for the purpose of acquaintance or short training events.
  • G – granted to all citizens passing through China.
  • J1 – This Chinese visa is issued to all employees of organizations providing news coverage who work in the PRC for more than 180 days, and J2 – to the same employees who are in the country for less than 180 days.
  • L – Chinese visa for tourists.
  • M is a trade visa issued to entrepreneurs to carry out their activities in China. It is also called a business visa.
  • Q1 is a Chinese visa for family members of Chinese citizens or citizens who have a residence permit in China for family reunification or guardianship for more than 180 days, and Q2 for less than 180 days.
  • R is a visa, which, as a rule, is issued by the Chinese government for foreign citizens with special talents or the most demanded specialties.
  • S1 is a visitor visa valid for more than 180 days for those who visit relatives who are studying or working in China (foreigners), and S2 is a similar visa with a stay in China of less than 180 days.
  • X1 is a study visa for more than 180 days, X2 is a study visa valid for less than 180 days. This Chinese visa is also called a student visa.
  • Z – work visa.

Chinese visa: features

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As a rule, each separate category of visa requires the provision of additional documents confirming the right to receive it. For example, it can be copies of hotel reservations and tickets indicating the dates of arrival and departure, official invitations from relatives or organizations.

As the Chinese authorities strive to ensure maximum security for their citizens, obtaining a visa can be difficult. Each submitted document is subject to careful study and verification, and additional supporting papers may be requested.

Special attention is paid to holders of long-term visas. For example, they are required to go to the local police station for registration within the first 30 days of their arrival in the People’s Republic of China.

Work visa to work in China

Obtaining a Chinese work visa is an easy process if you have already found a job. If not, then you need to start with finding a job. To do this, foreigners use the following methods:

  • Independent search of vacancies on the Internet.
  • An internship in China is a good opportunity for students to get a position in the firm where they are interning.
  • Through an intermediary.

Self search

When searching on their own, they use international sites where vacancies are published for everyone, including foreigners. For example, you can find offers on the following resources:


There are a large number of such platforms for finding jobs in China. You can search for information not only on English-language resources, but also on resources in Chinese. On the other hand, offers from employers available to foreigners are published in the China Daily and South China Morning Post.

Alternatively, you can download Chinese APPs to your smartphone and start searching for jobs. For example, this is how the author found a job at Hubei Ezhong Ecological Engineering Co., Ltd. (2017) and Guangdong Shunde MOTU Industry Co., Ltd. (2018).

After a suitable vacancy is found, the applicant contacts the employer. Thanks to the possibility of not only online conferences, but also video calls and other means of communication, you can pass an interview, demonstrate knowledge and even skills.

For example, you can use the social network Wechat (Wechat / 微 信) or QQ. You can find more information about Chinese social networks here.

For example, some applicants apply for a tourist visa, arrive in China and personally meet with employers. This is relevant when it comes to manufacturing, medicine, and other industries where working conditions and workplace equipment are important. Or there is no way to demonstrate skills online. And then they return home to obtain a work visa.

China Visa: Internship

To pass it, you need to study at a Chinese university. That is, it is necessary to plan your future life and career in China while still studying at a Russian school. Plus – learn Chinese and English. This is a long-term project, but with the right choice of profession, the efforts will pay off.

China visa and intermediaries

Friends, relatives or acquaintances who already live in the PRC often become intermediaries. They provide reliable information about the place of work, requirements for applicants, salaries. Promote agreements between the employer and the candidate for the position.

On the other hand, the services of intermediaries must be used carefully. For example, you trust these people. Less reliable are intermediary firms recruiting personnel for Chinese companies. Among them there are organizations with a good reputation, whose activities are easy to verify. But if there is no way to contact those who found a job through this or that company, it is better not to go there.

Types of work visas in China

Depending on the specifics of the position, the applicant must apply for one of the types of visas. For example, a Chinese Z visa is issued for many specialties. To obtain it, you need a contract with an employer, plus a work permit issued by the PRC Ministry of Labor.

If the applicant is a highly qualified professional working in one of the industries in demand in China, he or she will apply for an R visa.

For the crews of international transport (land, water, air) and accompanying spouses, a separate category of visas is provided – C. Foreign journalists need a J1 or J2 visa.

A separate category is the M business visa, which is issued by people planning to make a profit in the PRC. That is, if you plan to open your business in this country, even if it will be a shop or cafe, apply for an M.

If this requirement is violated, fines and an indefinite ban on entry into the country await. The same applies to entrepreneurs who open a representative office or branch of a company in China and develop other types of business relations between the two countries.

Who needs a Chinese visa

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Not all workers are welcome in the PRC. Teachers, especially foreign language teachers, tutors in other subjects can count on employment. In China, not only scientific leaders are expected, but also programmers and other specialists from the IT sphere. Medicine in the Celestial Empire is developing rapidly, but it lacks experienced doctors, nurses, pharmacists, so workers in this area easily find offers.

A specific position is the face of the company. For example, the person of the company has few responsibilities, the main one is to be its representative for clients and counterparties. Only Slavs, Europeans with a representative appearance are taken to such a position. It’s simple: in China it is believed that only a reputable company can afford to hire a European worker, because he needs to pay a lot.

On the other hand, foreigners without higher education find work in the field of tourism and services, entertainment. For example, artists, dancers, musicians, fashion models will also not be left without work.

The income of employees depends on their qualifications and position. Engineers, doctors, programmers can receive salaries comparable to European ones. In addition, many employers pay for the cost of moving and obtaining a residence permit, provide free housing or help find a suitable option.

China Visa: Work Visa – Applicant Requirements

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The legislation of the PRC sets out the requirements for those wishing to find a job in the country. The type of education is determined by the employer, since higher is not required for all positions, this is understandable. State requirements are as follows:

  • Age from 18 to 60 years old;
  • Good health;
  • Knowledge of Chinese or English;
  • “Clean” history – no previous convictions, no claims from government agencies in the country of residence;
  • Availability of an invitation to work or a corresponding permit.

The requirements do not indicate which of the two languages ​​is mandatory, but knowledge of Chinese increases the chances of getting a position with good pay. In addition, communication in Chinese inspires respect among local residents, so it will be easier to find accommodation and settle down.

China visa: documents for a work visa to China

To obtain a Chinese work visa, the applicant collects the following documents:

  1. A valid passport with at least one blank page;
  2. Completed application / questionnaire form (downloaded from the official website);
  3. Fresh photograph (as for a passport);
  4. Work permit;
  5. Additional documents.

The permit is issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Protection. If you get a job at a representative company of another country, the relevant document is issued by the commercial and industrial management body.

For commercial representatives, the document is issued by the Ministry of Culture. If you get a job in a company engaged in offshore oil operations, the document is drawn up by the National Offshore Oil Corporation. If we talk about supporting documents for a work visa to China, then this includes a certificate of no criminal record, a certificate of medical examination.

Chinese visa: for starting a business

When applying for an M visa (opening a branch of your company in China, a joint venture), you will need the company’s charter, your TIN, an order on the appointment of a director and OGRN. In a joint business, you must provide the constituent documents certified by the consulate. You will need a copy of your passport and a detailed resume of the resident.

Also, a business plan of the enterprise is drawn up, its physical address is indicated. When opening your own business, you will need a passport, a bank statement on the account status, a police clearance certificate.

The package of documents is handed over to the Ministry of Commerce. Application processing takes 2 to 3 months. If the decision is positive, the applicant writes an application for a license, registers the company with the Administration of Industry and Trade, opens an account in one of the financial institutions of the PRC.

Work visa to China 2020

The processing time for a work visa is up to 5 days, but before that you need to go through other stages that take longer. After an interview in the employer’s company and reaching agreements, the applicant prepares a package of documents. The documents are sent to the company, which forwards it to the PRC Ministry of Labor for verification.

Chinese visa to work in China – documents

This package includes the results of the medical examination for foreigners. To get a conclusion, you need to do fluorography, undergo a cardiologist, other doctors, do a cardiogram, take blood tests for HIV and hepatitis C. The result of the examination is summarized by the therapist, his conclusion is certified by the head physician, with his signature and both seals.

After collecting, sending and checking documents, the applicant receives an invitation from the company and a permit to work. Usually these papers are issued within 10 days.

All these documents are handed over to the Chinese embassy / representative office or visa center.

Upon arrival in the country and employment, the new employee is given a work book. The employer helps with obtaining a temporary residence permit (residence permit) – without it, even with a work visa, one cannot count on long-term work in China.

Thus, the duration of the Z visa does not exceed 3 months. For longer work in China, a temporary residence permit is issued. After formal employment, the visa period will be extended for the duration of your contract, plus 1 month.

If you have a J1 journalist visa, you are allowed to work up to 180 days. The J2 visa is valid for less than six months. C visas are valid for the period of stay in the country for business reasons; to extend the period, a corresponding application is submitted one month before its expiration.

An easier way is to visit Hong Kong on a tourist visa, and after returning to issue a work visa, already in the PRC. To get it, they contact the Foreign Ministry. But in this case, you need to have an invitation from the employer, a permit for legal work.

Plus – a document that confirms the legality of the hiring company. But the process of applying for a visa is easier – you need to fill out a form and submit a photo, and after 3-4 days receive a document (if there are no complaints).

Chinese visa: reasons for refusal

A work or business visa can be refused for several reasons. The main reason for refusal to register is the provision of inaccurate or inaccurate information about yourself. In China, data verification is receiving increased attention. Secondly, it is the incorrect filling of documents or the lack of the necessary papers. Thirdly, this is a discrepancy with the requirements of the PRC for foreign applicants in terms of age, health status or other criteria.

If the Chinese authorities refuse to issue a visa, it may not be issued even upon repeated application. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the collection and filling of documents. The PRC authorities are more liberal towards citizens of Western Europe, USA, Canada, Australia.

Chinese visa and moving to permanent residence

Owners of their own developing business can receive permanent residence in 4 years, with the timely payment of all fees and taxes, compliance with local laws. People employed in the field of scientific research will be able to count on permanent residence.

In addition, well-known representatives of the art world, workers in high-tech fields can count on this. The only condition is a total experience of at least 5 years. Moreover, 3 of them the candidate must work in China. Employees of municipal institutions, companies that carry out government projects, and accredited institutions can quickly obtain permanent residence.


Working or doing business in China is the goal of many foreigners. Work visa to China 2020 is issued quite quickly. And the search for work does not last long – in the PRC, experienced, qualified employees, especially foreign ones, are valued. And if you decide to change your country of residence or plan to work in China for several months or years, this is a reasonable decision.

Despite some difficulties and the seeming rigidity of the rules, obtaining a visa to China is not much different from applying for a visa to any other country. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on patience, time and a valid passport. As a result, you will receive the required document.

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